Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Dear Tommy

I have procrastinated long enough and now it is time to really work on "Dear Tommy" - my second book which is, I am proud to say, Women's Fiction and very very rated GP. Yay!

This book is my baby. I have been wanting to write it for the last two years, but for one reason or another, I also found one excuse to the next not to do it. Only very recently did I realize that "Dear Tommy" is the one book that I am willing to bleed for and I didn't really want to start writing it until I knew in my heart of hearts that I am fully ready for the impact that shaping the story would have on me. 

In the last few weeks, the need to jump-start the writing of "Dear Tommy" consumed me even in my sleep. I found myself mentally drafting scenes, plots, characters and conceptualizing book jacket designs. It didn't take long before I realized that the book was beckoning me, pleading with me, begging me to sit down and start putting my thoughts into words. And I gave in. 

I have started working on "Dear Tommy" a few days ago, just as I was launching another online business while working for Firebrand. I don't know how I manage it all, but thankfully, with a little organization and time-management skills, I get by. Because of all the things I have to juggle everyday, I only have a few hours daily that I can dedicate to writing the book, but that is okay. The reality is, "Dear Tommy" scares me. The moment that I finally told myself with absolute conviction that I am going to write the book, I felt that thunder-like banging in my chest. I was so scared I was wondering why was I suddenly scared? I've never been that scared before. I still am scared, too. There are moments when I would just stop and stare at my manuscript  and notes and then fear would set it. Another author-friend in one of the Facebook Groups I am a member of quipped that perhaps it is a good sign, that this is my breakthrough in the publishing industry... I hope so. Not really because I am desperate to have my share of the limelight, but because "Dear Tommy" is such a good story that it must reach a wide audience. People must be able to read it, especially the female populace. 

"Dear Tommy" is about a woman's struggle with unexplained infertility, a disrupted adoption , the falling out of her marriage and how she triumphed from it all.

Needless to say, I am very excited about it. I can't wait to reach the end of the novel and see how the characters would blend in with each other and how the main character would fight her way to victory. 

Join me on Facebook for updates, book snippets and other writing resources and walk with me along this exciting journey towards Dear Tommy. :)

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